Leadership Franklin County programs have graduated over 925 area residents. Our legacy LFC Community program, founded in 1985, was expanded in 2009 to include the LFC Youth program. The two programs provide hyper-local opportunities for leadership skill development with a focus on community leadership, team building, and networking.
Designed and delivered by a dedicated base of community volunteer business leaders, our LFC programs provide a unique venue for personal and professional development. LFC steering committees deliver these quality programs year after year.
Graduates continue to volunteer all over our county and participate in our active LFC Alumni group.
Follow Leadership Franklin County on Facebook or Leadership Franklin County on LinkedIn
LFC Community - Class of 2026 Applications Now Open
LFC Community is the flagship leadership program founded in 1985. The mission of LFC Community: “Developing an inclusive continuum of civic leaders engaged in the advancement of the quality of life in Franklin County.” Participants undergo a nine-month course where they learn about leadership and their community.
Graduation Program Class of 2024
Faculty List Class of 2023-2024
The Class of 2026 application deadline is Friday, May 9, 2025> click here to apply
Applicants are interviewed by our steering committee between April and June as applications are received, with up to 25 students selected. This is a tuition-based program, and a limited number of scholarships are available through the LFC Alumni. The program begins in September with a mandatory two-day team-building retreat and includes monthly sessions on the second Wednesday of each month from October through April. The program concludes in early May.
In addition to the monthly sessions, students will work on a small team project with a local nonprofit throughout the year. These project teams will present their work at the graduation ceremony in May. Throughout the program, students will receive leadership training, learn how to work effectively in teams, and gain valuable insights into key aspects of Franklin County.
Please review the Student Participation Policy before applying.
We offer virtual information sessions for prospective applicants to learn more about our program. If neither of the scheduled dates fits your availability, please reach out to Ginny for further details. Attending a virtual session is not required to apply. Upon registration, you will receive the Zoom link in your confirmation email.
Thursday, February 20th - 11:00 am - click to register Virtual Session #1
Friday, March 21st - 11:00 am - click to register Virtual Session #2
ATTENTION AREA NONPROFITS > LFC COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS: Each year Franklin County nonprofit, educational, or governmental organizations are eligible to apply to become an LFC project partner. The student projects chosen start in the Fall at the kick-off class retreat and must be completed by the following April. We encourage organizations to carefully read the project proposal packet, specifically the required project proposal checklist and grading rubric. The LFC project selection committee includes members from the LFC Steering Committee and Mentor team. Up to five student projects are selected based on our class size.
Check back for the 2025 RFP coming in Spring 2025. For reference, here is the 2024 Leadership Franklin County RFP
TIMELINE: Organizations will be asked to attend a mandatory virtual information meeting in May 2025. Project proposals will be due in late June 2025. Project selections will be announced by August 2025.

Leadership Franklin County Community is sponsored by F&M Trust

LFC Youth
LFC Youth began in 2009 with the mission: "To create a community of young people who are actively engaged in responsible, ethical, and effective leadership."
Key curriculum components of LFCY include: The Five Practices of Exemplary Student Leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, Encourage the Heart PLUS learning in public speaking, diversity & inclusion, and service-learning in our community. LFC Youth volunteer at Scoop-a-Palooza and the Run Your Ice Off 5K at IceFest. Students begin their journey in May of their freshman year with graduation the following April of their sophomore year.
The program is open to a selected group of incoming sophomore high school students (public, private, or homeschooled) in Franklin County. Interested students can apply in their freshman year. This highly competitive selection process involves an interview and requires two mentor recommendations to be submitted with student applications.
LFC Youth Alumni (As of April 2024)
Leadership Franklin County Youth is sponsored by Wilson College.

LFC Alumni - Alumni of the Year Nominations OPEN
LFC Alumni stay involved in the community and are busy in many volunteer organizations around Franklin County. The LFC Alumni Committee is a group of Alumni focused on the engagement of our Alumni through events, and volunteer opportunities.
The group works with IceFest hosting the Run Your Ice Off 5K to raise money for the LFC Scholarship Fund, Ice Fest, and other area nonprofits.
Alumni can connect via their LFC Alumni Facebook Group or can learn about other activities by contacting James Marvin, LFC Alumni Chairperson at jmarvin@orrstown.com
LFC Community Alumni by Year > 1985-2024
LFC Youth Alumni by Year > 2009-2024
The LFC Alumni of the Year award is given annually to recognize a graduate student of Leadership Franklin County Community who has distinguished themselves in their professional and volunteer capacities and has shown continuing service, interest, and support in the growth of Franklin County.
Congratulations Adam Donius the 2023 LFC Alumni of the Year
Read more about Adam & all our LFC Alumni of the Year Award Winners > 2008 to 2023
Leadership Franklin County is a program of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation.