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Industry Guidelines

Specific Guidance for your Industry

Re-opening your facility as a safe place for you, your employees and customers is the highest priority. Please consult the resources below for guidance from the state given to construction, restaurants, manufacturing and others.




If you are in the manufacturing industry, please consult the below guides for direction from OSHA and best practices outlined by the CDC. 


Restaurant, Lodging and Retail Food Stores

Business owners and operators in food service are encouraged to make voluntary commitments to their employees and customers that will help protect their community from Covid-19. Please consult the links below for additional guidance.


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In-Home Repair Services

Employers of plumbing, electrical or HVAC installation and repair should assess the hazards to which their workers may be exposed and evaluate work tasks. Please consult below specific guidance from OSHA.



Other Industries

Business owners and employees: check the guidance issued by OSHA on other specific industries. This resource gives guidance for specific worker groups and their employees ranging from waste management to meat processing. 


Disclaimer: Please remember the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce is not a health official or government official. Our goal is to share information that is accurate and unbiased in a timely manner. Please seek additional information from the linked sources provided.

If you are sick, or feel sick, please contact your healthcare provider and follow their instructions.

For the most updated information, please review the following sources:

CDC details on COVID-19

Representative Rob Kauffman

Representative Paul Schemel

Representative John Joyce

Representative John Hershey

Representative Jesse Topper

Senator Pat Toomey

Senator Judy Ward

Senator Douglas Mastriano

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