Beside the Point: Franklin County Career and Technology Center

The Franklin County Career and Technology Center (FCCTC) has an enrollment of nearly 1,000 high school aged students each year, grades 10 –12, from six local school districts. They have 24 different career and technical programs offered that are approved by the PA Department of Education.
FCCTC creates a unique learning experience for students with opportunities in 5 program academies: Construction, Sales and Service, Health Sciences, STEM/Manufacturing, and Transportation. The school also offers an extensive course catalog for Adult Education in addition to a Practical Nursing Program (PNP).

Recently FCCTC has embarked on becoming a Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program for Welding through the PA Department of Labor and Industry. This allows students to begin their career as a Pre-Apprentice while in their senior year and then transfer to an Apprenticeship program with the employer partnerships that were established. FCCTC is working on growing its Pre-Apprenticeship program to include additional program areas within the school and expanding employer relationships throughout the Franklin County area.
For more information about FCCTC, visit
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