What’s So Special About Chambersburg Peaches?

The Chamber office is a source for community news and information; often we receive calls from visitors asking about local businesses, relocation details and Chambersburg peaches. It’s not uncommon for someone to call in February and ask, “When are Chambersburg peaches in season?”
According to Dwight Mickey, owner of Shatzer’s Fruit Market, Chambersburg peaches are always in high demand. They have had visitors from as far as Ohio and Indiana visit their stand just to buy their delicious peaches.
As a native of Franklin County, I love peaches – but what’s the difference if I buy a peach in Belleville versus Chambersburg? Mickey said he believes the Cumberland Valley soil is the key to producing the best peaches, which keeps people demanding them year after year. Whether you like sun highs or doughnut peaches, Chambersburg peaches have been known for their high quality for the last hundred years.
Franklin County is the second-leading producer of peaches in Pennsylvania next to Adams County. Depending on the summer, local peaches are usually ready the first of August through Labor Day. Ripened on the tree and hand-picked, Chambersburg peaches are in high demand outside of Franklin County.
Even more people have sought Chambersburg peaches in 2014 due to a peach shortage. Orchards west of Bedford suffered from 15 degrees below zero temperatures this past winter, and northern Pennsylvania orchards witnessed a late frost that hurt their peach blossoms.
Overall, Pennsylvania grows about 60 million pounds of peaches a year and is the fourth-largest producer of peaches. Some roadside stands claim they have Chambersburg peaches, but they buy from brokers who purchase peaches from outside of Franklin County, according to “100 Years of Fruit Growing in Franklin County” by Wilma Mickey.
Hungry for a sweet, juicy peach yet? Delicious Chambersburg peaches can be found at these Chamber member locations:

Shatzer’s Fruit Market
2197 Lincoln Way West
Chambersburg, Pa 17201
(717) 263-2195
Jim’s Farmers Market
255 Grant Street
Chambersburg, Pa 17201
(717) 264-1273
Windy Knoll Farm Market
2685 Spring Road
Chambersburg, Pa 17202
(717) 264-2900